Tuesday, October 26, 2010

If you don't want to do something but populace around you are unfolding you to do it?

does that make it right. it can be as little as going out to a stick.If you don't want to do something but populace around you are unfolding you to do it?
you are the boss of yourself, it is always right.
No it does not clear it right. You must use your good pronouncement on what you choose to do. If going out to a bar is your friend's item, you don't have to budge along with the crowd.
What is right for one is not other right for the other, so No.
you should always do what you know is right, **** what other population say, they're not gonna enjoy to deal beside the consequences of your decision.
dont listen to them,listen to ur self. its ur right...if ure not comfortable doing whatver they asked u to do,afterwards why should u be doing it,right?

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