Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I'm so depressed.?

My grandpa got a stroke. I in recent times learned it second night, and I'm really depressed. My grandpa is still alive, but he's really antediluvian and he probably wont make it. What should I do?I'm so depressed.?
if you can walk and visit him. it's best to travel and see them. otherwise talk out your morale with your nearest and dearest they are probably feeling equal way. comfort from loved ones is other helpful.
If you are religious you should pray. I would spend as much time near him as possible. When he is lucid, tell him how much he manner to you and why. Talk about special memories you own with him and take home him happy during his final days.
spend time with him past he passes.
you don't want to hear this but he probably will die.
My grandma died but she couldn't remember anything,
she couldn't remember who i be of where she be.
I couldnt spend time with her.
While you can, spend time w/
Think of adjectives the good times.
Yes, it might bring in you cry, but
you have to reflect of these times to let them walk
and remember them so you never forget him.
and if you believe in god, pray.
if you dont, you might want to start.
Use one of the relaxation technique in the box on depression treatments at http://www.ezy-build.net.nz/~shaneris... on page 2. Call the Samaritans ( www.samaritans.org ) or Hospice (phone book). Accept the cycle of existence: without release, there would be no room for the newborn. Put down printed everything you want to say to him. Later, it may relief to make a photo album/scrapbook or shrine to remember him by.

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