Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Im currently taking Lamictal, but I still hold severe anxiety and hypomania. What medication could I include?

Don't worry nearly medical disclaimers, feel free to blurt out your opinion.
Id like to progress into the doctors office beside a few suggestions to present to him.Im currently taking Lamictal, but I still hold severe anxiety and hypomania. What medication could I include?
Seroquel or Abilify will take prudence of your hypomania. It works wonders.
I've been on Lamictal for a while, along beside Wellbutrin, and when that wasn't leveling me out enough my doctor added Abilify. Now I'm merely about as stable as I've ever be. With the occasional dose of Ativan for acute anxiety.
I do not know about Lamactal, so you hold to ask about the interactions, but!
I took xanax, and it help me get through the really desperate days.
It is very addictive though, so if you return with a prescription, only use them sparingly.
the best of luck to you.

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