Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Im stress! backing!?

Im stress! backing!?
Don't panic! Deep breath - this is ~only~ stopgap. If you can see how this is only a tiny, little, discouraging spell in the big timeframe of your vivacity, it will all come into focus and you will relax. There are some upright stress-busting tips on this webpage - and remember, every problem is solvable.really.
u wont be once i tell u i own an AP tomorow
roll it up , smoke it up , inhale...exhale.

( that means smoke some weed)
uhhhhh...okay. Join the club. In certainty I'll trade ya...bet you I have more foundation to be stressed than you do.
So...take a few open breaths, figure out what you are stressed over and stop doing it. Other than that...since we hold no idea why you are stressed...travel for a walk, pinch a nap or guess about something else for a while.
whip a nice bubble bath.
if your stressed just about school work and your studying consequently take a break.

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