Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Im so low and down. really outlook sorry for my self beside apt use. cant any one please cheer me up.?

my life have been **** and i want to see the sun at the rear the clouds. just want to smile and have a feeling happy even for a moment.
please oblige make me smile.Im so low and down. really outlook sorry for my self beside apt use. cant any one please cheer me up.?
A blonde go to see the doctor with burns to both foot.

"what on earth own you been doing" said the doctor."economically i opened a can of soup and the instructions said" stand within boiling water for ten minutes"..
The passageway i see it, there is other someone having a worse time than me.if we dream up in a glum way, we can draw that negativity into our lives, so other try and look on the bright side and smile.dont let things grasp you down, think in the region of something cheerful or amusing, know that life is ever shifting, and if today is crap, tommorrow will be better.happiness comes from inwardly, other people cant receive you happy, but you can do it yourself!
I other say, as long as I'm physically hygienic, then theres pretext to be happy.
my dismal clouds and believe me they were grey are now bright sunshine, like can happen to you next you will automatically be happy and smiling. Depression is an evil force that can be destroyed next to time and meds

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